Weight Management
With the focus on weight management and health optimisation, I offer several packages:
THE TASTER SESSION: Spend one hour with me offering general nutritional and lifestyle recommendations and answering your questions with a view to starting you off on your journey to feeling better on the inside and outside and/or as an introduction to the Boost, 8-week and 12-week package.
THE REBOOT PACKAGE comprising four sessions: a 60-90 minute initial consultation followed by 3 x 30 minute sessions with personalised nutritional and lifestyle recommendations and specialist advice on testing and supplements (if appropriate).
THE 8-WEEK PACKAGE comprising a 60-90 minute consultation followed by 7 x 30-minute sessions (over approximately 8 weeks) with personalised nutritional and lifestyle recommendations and specialist advice on testing and supplements (if appropriate). Recipes, meal plans, restaurant menu reviews in advance of eating out plus discounts on high-quality supplements and other health and wellness products are included where appropriate. Regular check-ins are offered if desired to provide accountability.
THE 12-WEEK PACKAGE comprising a 60-90 minute consultation followed by 11 x 30-minute sessions (over approximately 12 weeks) with personalised nutritional and lifestyle recommendations and specialist advice on testing and supplements (if appropriate). Recipes, meal plans, restaurant menu reviews in advance of eating are all included. Regular check-ins are offered if desired to provide accountability.
MONTHLY MEMBERSHIP A monthly membership is available for existing clients to keep you on track and accountable which includes continued ongoing 1:1 support. Not a client yet? Sign up for the Boost, 8-week or 12-week package to qualify and join a group of life-minded people working with me continuously. One group Q&A session available per month.
1:1 SHOPPING EXPERIENCE Together, we visit your chosen supermarket to help you make healthier choices for you and your family. Let me help you make the best nutritional purchases for you by spending time with you in the aisles of your favourite supermarket.
WHAT’S IN MY FRIDGE? Spend an hour with me in my kitchen or virtually, to see what I keep in my fridge, freezer and kitchen cupboards. Open the session up to three members of your family and/or friends!
CUPBOARD CLEANSE Allow me into your home, in person or virtually, to help you fill your shelves with the best foods for you. Want to make it a social event? Open the session up to three members of your family and/or friends!
How a nutritional consultation works
Each client is unique and treated accordingly
People come to me for many reasons. Some are struggling to control sugar cravings, others want to lose weight for an important event, increase their energy levels or simply eat more healthily. Whatever your reason for seeking nutritional therapy, I will tailor my approach to your where you want to go and the pace you want to travel at.
What to expect from your consultation
Initially, I will send you a questionnaire to complete in advance of our first appointment. This will include your medical history to date plus any test results you may have. I will also ask you to complete a three-day food diary.
I work with people in Crowborough, the surrounding area and across the country, holding consultations online or at my clinic in Forest Row. At your first appointment, I will get to know more about you and your lifestyle so that we can discuss your goals. Then, we will work together to come up with specific, achievable and easy-to-follow dietary and, if appropriate, lifestyle changes for you to take on until our next appointment. This is usually seven days later for weight management but can be up to a month later.
Our follow-up appointments will be 30 minutes long depending on what we agree is best for you. During these follow-up appointments, we will discuss the plan you have been following and what worked for you and what didn’t. Based on what you tell me, I will suggest changes that we will work together to come up with an updated plan that works for you.